You Be The Detective
Where’s Robbie?
Writer: Devika Soni
Illustrator: Savio Mascarenhas and Manas Bhagwat


Rinku Rat was very excited that she and her family were stuck in the hotel. She was sure the snowstorm was sent for her just so she could play with Robbie Robot in the playroom. She was excited to show him to the friends she’d made in the hotel the previous day.

“Are you sure you want to take Robbie with you?” Rinku’s mother asked as she was leaving room no. 141.

“Yes, Mom! So what if Robbie’s remote doesn’t work? He is my favourite toy!” she said.

As she entered the playroom, she saw her new friends all settled in corners with something to occupy them. Swisha Sloth was reading a new book. Oinky Ox was lying down under the air conditioner. Wally Walrus was painting a pretty picture.

“Oh no! I forgot to take my morning medicines from Mom! Friends, I’ll be right back and then we can play with Robbie!” And Rinku was off. When she came back 10 minutes later, Rinku was in for a shock. Robbie and his remote were missing! She decided to ask her friends if they had seen anything.

Whom does Rinku suspect of taking Robbie and why?

Rinku suspects Wally Walrus of taking Robbie because he knew Robbie’s remote was broken even though Rinku didn’t mention it to him.

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