You Be The Detective
Sculpture Scandal
Writer: Aparna Sundaresan
Illustrator: Srijan Kanjilal and Shrutika Gorule


The town fair of Ghodapur was underway. It buzzed with lights, music, food and visitors. And in one tent, the townsfolk were gearing up for the annual vegetable sculpting competition.

Every year, participants sculpted creative figurines with nothing but fruits and veggies. This year’s favourite to win was Peelu with her scene of a family sculpted from tender coconuts. But just before the judges arrived to evaluate the entries, disaster struck. Peelu’s sculpture went missing! The security team of the fair began investigating the disappearance. In due course, they rounded up three suspects who were the last to be seen leaving the competition tent.



The security team was stumped. One of their suspects was lying to cover up the theft. But who was it? Can you figure it out?

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