You Be The Detective
Gift Amiss
Writer: Aparna Sundaresan
Illustrator: Sachin Adhare and Shrutika Gorule

Grandpa surveyed the room. He had come back after shopping for a new outfit for his grandson Alan’s eleventh birthday. Grandpa’s heart sank when he saw that the expensive book set he had bought for Alan was damaged! He had kept it on the shelf on the wall but it was now lying on the table. Two of the books were soaked in juice.

Three other grandchildren staying with him for their holidays, and Pug, the family dog, were the main suspects. The three kids showed proof of where they were when this incident happened via images on their phone.

“Was it Pug?! Look, there are paw prints on the table!” said Beena, pointing to the table in shock. “Yes, there are,” replied Grandpa sternly. “But two of you are lying. Own up, even if it was a mistake.”

Whom does Grandpa suspect of lying and why?

Grandpa suspects Beena and Bobby. Beena’s image is an inverted picture. The time was actually 10 am when she went shopping. We see Bobby’s glass of juice in his photo and in the crime scene. We also know that Bochi and Pug wouldn’t have been able to reach the shelf. 
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