Laugh Out Loud
School’s Pun!
Writer: Rebekah S J
Illustrator: Shivani Pednekar


Q: Why is geology a cool subject? 

A: Because it rocks! 


Q: Why was there chaos in the chemistry lab.

A: Because the chemicals kept reacting with each other! 


Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school every day? 

A: Because her students were very bright! 


Q: Why did the maths teacher call his student average.

A: Because he was mean! 


Q: How do bee students travel to school? 

A: In a school buzz! 


Q: What happened to the kid who kept making jokes about words in class? 

A: He was punished! 


Q: Why did the shapes stop listening to the acute triangle? 

A: Because it was not right! 


Q: Why were the students suspicious when the teacher entered with graph papers? 

A: They knew the teacher was plotting something! 


Q: Why is geometry important? 

 A: Because life would be pointless without it! 


Q: Why was the clock sent out from the library? 

A: Because it was tocking a lot! 

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