Laugh Out Loud
Comical Vehicle Puns
Writer: Linta Mary Philip
Illustrator: Shrutika Gorule

Q. What has four wheels and flies?

A. A garbage truck


Q. What did the traffic light say to the car?

A. Hey, don’t look. I am about to change.


Q. What snake do you find on cars?

A. Windscreen viper


Q. How did the tyre get punctured?

A. There was a fork in the road. 


Q. Why did the taxi driver lose their job?

A. They kept driving their customers away. 


Q. What happened when the frog’s car broke down?

A. It got toad away.


Q. What was wrong with the wooden car?

A. It wooden go!


Q. What did the tornado say to the car?

A. Do you want to go for a spin?


Q. What did one train say to another?

A. I am rail-y happy to see you!


Q. Why didn’t the bicycle want to get up.

A. It was two-tired.


Q. How did the bicycle keep fit? 

A. It joined a spin class.

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