Dear Tinkle
“I’m playing a new sport but I’m no good. HELP!”
Best friend not talking? Stressed about exams? Do you have problems you can't find answers to? We, the Tinkle Toons, will go through your questions and answer them!

Worried about making friends in a new location? Don't stress. Find out if there are clubs around your house where you can meet people with shared interests. Go to playgrounds and parks. Or ask your parents if you can throw a house-warming party for neighbours.

There is nothing embarrassing about making mistakes, especially in front of other people because everyone makes mistakes sometimes! It's okay. When you make a mistake just laugh it off and focus on your task. You can even ask your peers for tips and tricks if you think it will help with task.

If you're bored at home during vacations find out if there are any activities or classes near your house. Get a library membership or learn a new instrument. You can go for nature walks or write a play with you friends. And best of all, you can read tons of Tinkle issues to pass the time!

Do you have any problems you don’t know how to solve? Talk to the Tinkle Toons and maybe they can help. Send us your questions at with the subject ‘Dear Tinkle’.

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