Tinkle Tells You Why...
…Oceans Appear Blue and More!
Writer: Devika Soni
Illustrator: Shrutika Gorule

…the ocean appears blue.

Although we might assume that the ocean is blue because it reflects the colour of the sky, we’re wrong. The ocean is blue because of the way it absorbs sunlight. When sunlight hits the ocean, the water absorbs colours such as red, which has a long wavelength, and violet, which has a short wavelength. Of the light that hits the ocean, the remaining light is mostly made up of blue wavelengths. The shade of blue depends on how much light the ocean water can absorb. On the other hand, because water in a glass doesn’t have enough molecules to absorb light, it appears transparent! 

…bird poo is white. 

Unlike mammals, birds don’t have separate exits for their poo and pee. They remove both waste products together from the same exit. And while our poo contains urea, birds convert urea to uric acid. This acid forms the white, sticky paste which is actually bird pee! The dark centre in this white paste is the bird’s poo. 


…some people think that coriander tastes like soap. 

Coriander leaves have chemicals known as aldehydes. Some people have a variation in their genes (characteristics passed down from parents to children during birth) that makes aldehydes taste like soap. This genetic difference is found in a small percentage of the population across the globe. However, in places like India and Central America, where coriander is popular, fewer people have this genetic variation. That’s why coriander is such an important part of the cuisine in these regions! 

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