Lil Tinkle Writer
What’s at the Door?
Contributor: Ananya Harish

There’s someone at the door!
Amma is cleaning the bathroom floor,

Appa and Anna are doing their chores,
So I guess I will have to open the door.

I open the door to happily find
Something of an amazing and special kind.

The newest issue of Tinkle!
It makes everyone’s eyes twinkle!

Appa says it’s too childish and absurd,
But when no one’s looking, he reads it word by word!

Amma often likes to recount from an old date,
What Tinkle was like in 1998!

Anna and I fight over the newest issue of Tinkle,
Over our foreheads the sweat drops trickle!

But today is my lucky day,
I’ve got it my way!

I am excited that I get to read Tinkle first,
Because waiting while others read is definitely the worst!

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